Friday, December 28, 2012

Review: Beasts of the Southern Wild

I’m not much a fan of Indie movies but when I do watch them, it’s rare that I get to see a bad one. Is this movie as good as others say or not? Look on below.

In a forgotten but defiant bayou community cut off from the rest of the world by a sprawling levee, a six-year-old girl exists on the brink of orphanhood. Buoyed by her childish optimism and extraordinary imagination, she believes that the natural world is in balance with the universe until a fierce storm changes her reality. Desperate to repair the structure of her world in order to save her ailing father and sinking home, this tiny hero must learn to survive unstoppable catastrophes of epic proportions. -- (C) Fox Searchlight

The story of this film is basically about survival. From the beginning until the end, the lead characters were striving hard to live a good life in their place where natural disasters mostly occur. Upon watching this film, I was having a hard time to give myself a bathroom break as every scene in this movie is delightful and you will really root for the lead characters.  What made this movie feel unique is because of its storytelling, it was able to tell a lot with only a short amount of time.

I’ve never seen an acting so natural which made me feel like I know these characters. Dwight Henry who plays “Wink” portrays a father who wants to show love for his daughter but not in womanly manner and he did it very good and very convincing. Quvenzhane Wallis plays “Hushpuppy”, a little girl that is longing for a motherly love, and she was even better than Henry as she played this role with sheer perfection. As for the other cast, their performances were also good but it’s hard to top Henry’s and Wallis’.

The music was simply astounding as it helped to deepen the emotion being shown by the characters.

It was good but some shots were too close and it became a little tiresome. However, the cinematography was able to show how good looking the set-pieces are.

I liked the way how the director made the pacing in this film, from the first to the third act it never felt boring. This was a drama that felt really special and very original in its own way.

‘Beasts’ is probably one of the best movies this year, showcasing two of the best performances this year, telling a complete and good story despite a short time. This film was just simply compelling and rich from start to finish. I give this a 4.5/5.

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