Friday, November 30, 2012

Review: Ruby Sparks

Rom-Com is probably one of the most over-used genre in cinema today, it'll either be bad or good. The question is, did Ruby Sparks brought anything new?


Calvin (Dano) is a young novelist who achieved phenomenal success early in his career but is now struggling with his writing - as well as his romantic life. Finally, he makes a breakthrough and creates a character named Ruby who inspires him. When Calvin finds Ruby (Kazan), in the flesh, sitting on his couch about a week later, he is completely flabbergasted that his words have turned into a living, breathing person.

Ruby Sparks definitely has one of the most original stories in the world of Rom-Com. Originality comes a long way in this genre as basically almost every cliche has been done to death and seeing this film gave me a new hope that not everything has been done. This movie is just full of surprises.

The acting in this movie is very natural, Paul Dano was an amazing young novelist who is now struggling in his writing, Steve Coogan was good at playing a douchebag (or that's how I see his character), all the others was amazing in their respective roles. But the one who really caught my attention is Zoe Kazan. Every time she appears on screen, she just Sparks (pun intended), she was able to play with her emotions, it was just amazing. Kazan definitely stole the movie for me.

One of the aspects of the film that I loved, every music was just pitch-perfect with the scenes.

I fell in love with the movies cinematography, this is probably one aspect which made the movie better. The shots were just beautiful and detailed. I just simply loved it.

This is the first film that I saw from Dayton and Faris (yes I haven't seen 'Little Miss Sunshine' yet) and I have to say, I like the way they direct, I felt like I was in their world when I was watching this. The pacing in this movie is also good, although some parts bored me but that was only a minor problem.

Ruby Sparks is definitely a rom-com that one definitely need to watch. Hands down, one of the best of 2012. Everything in this movie is just perfect. from the story up to the cinematography. I give this one a 4.5/5

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