Tuesday, June 17, 2014

What will you unlock?

So we're on our second day of the third week of June, time flies huh. Well, we all now how pressured we can be whenever we are stressed or whenever we have so much things to do on our plate, but at the end of the day we can still finish what we are doing if we focused on it. Having said that though, we all deserve our breaks every now and then, and what better way to spend your breaks than to enjoy it with a full bar of Kit Kat.

Up until this day, I have loved Kit Kat ever since I had my first bite when I was a kid, the chocolate coating was so mouthwatering and the crispy wafer was just perfection, and that's coming from a guy who is not a big fan of chocolate.

Did you know that taking a KIT KAT Break can unlock hidden skills in you that make it seem like you can break the impossible?
\So, if you were given a chance to unlock the following skills:

a. Type faster and flawlessly.
b. Never forget any detail.
c. Create awesome presentation decks.
d. Multitask at any given time.

As seen from the picture (and description) above, you are left with four choices and you must pick a skill for you to have, if you ask me, my choice would be the second one (b.) which is "Never forget any detail", now you must be wondering why right? It's because of this, whenever I write my movie reviews, I always forget the one very important thing you should do after writing an article, and that one little thing is proofreading. Proofreading is an important aspect in writing because this is the part where you can read your grammatical errors, the errors in your sentence structure and most of all this is the part where you will know if you missed anything to add or to remove in your article.

If I have unlocked this skill then my worries would be resolved because I will not forget any important details for my article nor will I ever commit any grammar errors on my sentences. Having this skill is very important because every word in an article that you write or in any essay in an exam or reports to finish on your work is very important. Why? Because if your forget even the little details, some people can get critical of that or it can leave a lasting impression of yours or worse, it may end up sabotaging your work and may result to a big misunderstanding of your work.

So there is my simple answer, I choose "Never forget any detail", how about you though, what would you choose among those choices and why? In the meantime, just remember.......

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