Steve Rogers struggles to embrace his role in the modern world and battles a new threat from old history: the Soviet agent known as the Winter Soldier.
Unlike the past films in the MCU's Phase II (which felt like filler films) this film is anything but that. Upon watching this movie, I realized that this is the most integral film thus far in the Phase II because it paves way to Cap having to deal with his past and learning to cope with how he will live in the present. But what is mostly important in the plot of the movie is the fact that it really sets up the tone and a lot of plot points for the upcoming Avengers: Age of Ultron. There is a lot of ways on how they will tackle the story just by continuing the story in this one but that is a conversation for another topic, let's just stick with Captain America 2 for now.
I have to say that this is probably my favorite solo film from the MCU because firstly it was very different in the aspect of tone because most of the MCU films are more inclined with humor (except for the first Iron Man and Incredible Hulk) and to have this film be treated as a serious, political film was not only a breath of fresh air but it also serves as great entertainment in the movies. The plot of the film is also well rounded and like I said it introduced some plot points for an upcoming film and in my opinion I think it's a great way of introducing the plot for Avengers 2 but aside from that, the other thing that I liked from the film is how they show the struggles of Cap being "alive" in this age and almost knows no one from his past, through this you can see the isolation in his life outside of his professional work. In addition, I loved that they included a touching scene with him and Peggy Carter, it was heartfelt yet very sad, probably one of my favorite scenes in the movie.

Last but not the least are Samuel L. Jackson and Robert Redford. This in my opinion is Jackson's best performance as the character Nick Fury because in this one he's able to do almost everything, from action to drama he just nails it and in my opinion his character is well and fully developed despite having an almost short screen time. When it comes to Redford though, while I loved his performance as Alexander Pierce, I also felt that his character was underused and also felt a bit wasted but thanks to Redford's performance, it kinda made up for that.
The directors of the film are The Russo Brothers who are best known for directing TV episodes and even though I was a fan of Community, I was skeptical at first when they were attached to direct to this picture, and my oh my I'm glad I was wrong, because they did such a great job in directing this movie because the plot of the film is solid and the action is just breathtaking and really delivers where it'd be gunfights or fistfights or knife fights, it was just thrilling to watch. The Russo's strongest point in directing this movie though for me is how well they balanced the characters (even though some felt underused to me) and how they have shown the characters to be fully developed. Another thing that I liked from their direction is that this movie felt like the "James Bond" of superhero films because of how grounded it is but still able to show some "over the top" aspect of it.
In conclusion, Captain America: The Winter Soldier is one great movie and it is surely a lot better than it's predecessor and also a lot better than the recent films from the Marvel Studios house. This film will surely end up in my top films of this year and it just delivers in all aspects and never disappoints. This is Captain America at the top form and that is not an exaggeration.
Favorite lines:
Steve Rogers: Before we get started, does anyone want to get out?
Alexander Pierce: Captain, in Order to build a better world, sometimes means tearing the old one down... And that makes enemies.
Nick Fury: Looks like you're giving the orders now, Captain.
Steve Rogers: You're my friend!
Bucky Barnes: You're my mission...
Oh and to end this review, HAIL HYDRA!
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