Saturday, October 5, 2013

Review: Gravity

It's been 7 years since Alfonso Cuaron's latest outing with Children of Men. While I thought the film was very good and very well done, it just wasn't my cup of tea (I might have to rewatch it soon). So does Cuaron's latest cinema offering deseves the buzz it's been getting? Find out my thoughts below.

GRAVITY, directed by Oscar (R) nominee Alfonso Cuaron, stars Oscar (R) winners Sandra Bullock and George Clooney in a heart-pounding thriller that pulls you into the infinite and unforgiving realm of deep space. Bullock plays Dr. Ryan Stone, a brilliant medical engineer on her first shuttle mission, with veteran astronaut Matt Kowalsky (Clooney). But on a seemingly routine spacewalk, disaster strikes. The shuttle is destroyed, leaving Stone and Kowalsky completely alone.

If you read the synopsis above, it will give you the basic outline of the whole story of the movie but what I liked about it is that it was able to preserve all these twists and turns but all through out it did not make the movie feel crowded or convoluted because it was really just telling one story and not squeezing in backstories for the characters. Having to tell just one main story is probably the biggest point of this movie for me because unlike any other space movie like for example they were given a mission and just by the half part of the movie it completely changes it tone and the story just became a whole different. For me it's fine a sci-fi film did this only if they handled it pretty good like in Europa Report where even just in the beginning it's already giving out clues and glimpses as to what will happen to the characters.

However what I liked most about this movie is the portrayal of space and zero gravity. Oh my God, it's just so realistic and really just terrifying. I actually find this movie more horrific and scary than recent cliched horror films because this case really has a possibility to happen, this movie just vanishes my interest to go into space.

The story was also written by Alfonso and Jonas Cuaron and they did a great job. From the lines of the movie to the spine-tingling thrills, they deliver, the lines were very smart, the type of lines that you'd really expect from this line of job. The action was also very detailed which was a great thing because it doesn't leave put plot-holes that might take the viewer out of the movie. In my opinion, this movie is well-written. because the Cuaron's just made this movie on a linear story and not going left or right with the story, they just told the whole point of what they want to tell.

There were only two performances in this movie (three if you count Ed Harris' voice acting), and those are Clooney and Bullock's. First off, let's have Ed Harris, he plays this person on the other end of the microphone, his voice was pretty good to hear out and I honestly didn't realize it was him at first. Nothing much can be said with this though.

Next is George Clooney, he was really good in this movie, he played this character who is a bit laid back but also one who is logical and knows what's best. The reason why he's so good in the role is because you can actually believe him like if I was in the room with him and he's convincing me to do something, I'd do it, that's how good we has in the role. Another thing that I liked in his performance is that the calmness he showed despite the trouble his facing, it really fits well with the character and it does not break the character.

Lastly let's have Sandra Bullock, I admit, I'm not a fan of Bullock because most of her performance is basically the same to with the exception of 'The Blind Side' (I still think that movie is overrated even though it's good). In this movie, she just brings out a thunderous performance, you will breath together with her in the movie as you can really feel her fear and the isolation the character feels. Especially when POV shots appear, it's like you are playing the titular character which was a really nice touch. But what I liked most about her performance is how she portrayed her fear, it's just shows how you will react when faced with the same situation. 

Steven Price's score in this movie was nothing short of haunting and beautiful. Haunting because with every beat from the symphony just brings your heart closer to your throat, it was suspenseful and it really adds a lot to the movie and like I said it helped this movie to have this realistic feel of fear and it is also basically the type of music that you'll play in your head when you're in trouble (I know, crazy). Now, it's also beautiful because at times the score was very quaint and helps to show the beauty of the movie and it also helps to have a short break from all the pressure in this movie. What I love most about the scores though is the sudden silence by the end of it, it doesn't fade out or what, it just completely stops which gave this sort of hanging moment.

Having said that though, the score did not capture my attention as much as how the sound mixing. It was very well done and it is what I think what you'll hear whenever you're wearing a space suit because you can only the mumbled bumps, crashes and scratches the character makes whenever they are holding to something or whenever they hear something from afar, it helps to take the viewer into a whole new level and just sinks the viewer within the movie and to me that is just a big plus.

Upon watching the film, this is the first time that I've watched a movie in an IMAX format and I will just say this upfront, watch this movie in IMAX, it's not a waste of money, it's not a gimmick, for me this is quite possibly the best medium on how you should watch this movie because it just maximizes the experience of the movie and just takes you in the movie.

Having released that, the cinematography is really great in this movie, in fact it's more than great and in all honesty I think it is breathtaking. Every frame in this movie is beautiful and very well shot, there is a lot of moments in this movie that is memorable. The shots of zero-gravity in this movie was compelling, the slow-motion scenes (well technically) was mesmerizing and the wide shots of the space and earth was just marvelous and unearthly (pun intended). 

Moving on, the VFX from this movie is simply phenomenal, there was some instances where I forgot that I was watching a movie and thought it was a documentary because the visual effects were so good and so authentic it's like they are filming this from outer space. It was incredible to look at and it was one hell of a great special effects.

Alfonso Cuaron is definitely one of the best working directors today, his seven year break was acceptable because he just burst into the movie industry with this masterpiece. He directed this movie very very well by letting his actors showcase great and unforgettable performances that really makes the movie rounded. I liked what he did with the pacing of the film because it was not slow yet he made it worth of the 90-minute runtime. I could not ask for the movie to be shorter nor longer because it was just perfect.

I have no complaints regarding his direction in the film because he was able to show off his vision, he was able to tell a story of survival that will really engage the audience and also basically teaching the audience about not giving up. Props to Cuaron for not making the film crowded and just giving out what he promised.

Just 10 minutes into this movie, Alfonso Cuaron already had his hand on my throat and the whole time in the movie I was just gripping onto the edge of my seat, few directors have done that to me and also horror films does not do that to me, so to experience it in this one made the movie a whole lot better than it already was. Oh, and thank you Alfonso Cuaron for making me fear space more.

'Gravity' is not only an unforgettable experience in IMAX but also a remarkable film that will truly capture the audience. It is an unapologetic thrill-ride that was both dramatic and nail-biting, this film is unlike any other space opera that's ever done, it is engaging with convincing and powerful performances most notably from Sandra Bullock who in my opinion deserves an Academy Award nomination. In fact, this film should get tons of nominations because it was masterfully directed and brilliantly written. 

I might go as far as saying that this movie is quite possibly the "2001: A Space Odyssey" (personal favorite) of this generation, so yeah it's that good. Never has a movie made me think for days and for that 'Gravity' is thus far my favorite movie of 2013.


Favorite lines:
Mission Control: "Mission abort, repeat, mission abort"
Matt Kowalsky: "Dr. Stone and Matt Kowalski are the sole survivors of the SDS-157."
Dr. Ryan Stone: "Explorer, do you, do you copy? Houston, do you copy? Houston, this is Mission Specialist Ryan Stone. I am off structure and I am drifting. Do you copy? Anyone? Anybody? Do you copy? Please copy. Please."
Matt Kowalsky: Houston, I have a bad feeling about this mission.
Dr. Ryan Stone: Don't let go!

If there was one thing this movie did very well, it is to tell one hell of a story.

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