Monday, December 31, 2012

2012 Filmography

2012 is about to come to an end, so here I present my "report" on this wonderful year for films. Check it out below.

Top 15 films of 2012:

1.       The Dark Knight Rises- Nolan’s epic conclusion to his Dark Knight trilogy, this one really went out for the big bang and personally my favourite movie in the trilogy and my favourite movie of all time. Tom Hardy as Bane was simply epic.
2.       Lincoln- Spielberg’s latest effort that showcased great performances from the cast and well laid out movie. One of the best biopics ever.
3.       Looper- This movie brought time-travel back to the map and giving the sci-fi genre a hard edge again.
4.       Chronicle- A superhero movie like no other, the usage of the first-person view was just superb and also a breakthrough performance for Dane Dehaan.
5.       Skyfall- Bond is back and better than ever. This is probably the smartest Bond movie out of the recent ones. Daniel Craig and Javier Bardem have never been better.
6.       Killing Them Softly- Dominik’s latest film displayed a menacing Brad Pitt which might as well one of his best performances to date.
7.       Ruby Sparks- One of the most innovative rom-com ever with very good performances from its leads. This one should not be missed.
8.       Beasts of the Southern Wild- A film that showed to what is probably the most natural acting in recent films. Also the debut by Wallis was very good.
9.       End of Watch- This cop drama is unique the way it told its story with an unforgettable performance from the cast especially Michael Pena.
10.   Perks of Being a Wallflower- A coming of age drama where you can feel almost all types of emotion. The performance of the cast was very good but it was Ezra Miller who outshines them all.
11.   The Raid: Redemption- Boom! Pow! Pow! ‘Nuff said.
12.   The Avengers- The result of the 5-movie buildup from Marvel Studios. It comes out very worth it in the end, it was entertaining and you will definitely cheer for the heroes.
13.   Cloud Atlas- A mind-boggling movie that will definitely glue you to your seat. Hugo Weaving displayed an immense performance that is just unbelievable. This is the Wachowskis’ ultimate comeback to film.
14.   Lawless- A very good biopic with a performance which can be remembered especially from Jason Clarke, he just sparked up the screen.
15.    Dredd- Although almost having the same premise from The Raid, it was still able to be unique in its own way. With a staggering performance from Karl Urban, 'Dredd' is one enjoyable movie.

Honorable mentions:
Holy Motors
Batman: The Dark Knight Returns Part I
Pitch Perfect
Seeking a Friend at the End of the World

1.       Rock of Ages- I really thought this was going to be bad, thankfully it’s not (for me anyways). With a surprising performance from Cruise, this was purely a guilty pleasure.
2.       Get The Gringo- Mel Gibson’s comeback to the big screen was good after his debacle over the past years. This was an action-packed film with dark humor in it. Very entertaining.
3.       21 Jump Street- A surprisingly good comedy that not only showed Jonah Hill’s talent but also Tatum’s hidden talent in acting.
4.       The Hunger Games- I thought this was gonna be‘Twilight’all over again, good thing it’s not. With a great performance from Jennifer Lawrence, awesome costume and set-pieces, this film just surprised everybody and was actually good.
5.       The Odd Life of Timothy Green- A drama that really touches the heart. A story of never giving up despite life’s cruelty (sometimes).

Disappointing and Worst/Bad films of 2012:
1.       Battleship- Didn’t even finished this, I label this worst.
2.       Ted- Funny but disappointing at the end.
3.       Total Recall- Failed to capture the spirit of the original; it was both bad and disappointing.
4.       John Carter- A lead character who you will almost not root for and a boring story but still delivers some great visuals, so this was a disappointment.
5.       Bourne Legacy- It basically a rehash of the original ‘Bourne Identity’ but with less depth. Although what it lacks in story makes up for the action. Nevertheless this was disappointing.
6.       Resident Evil: Retribution- F*ck you Paul W.S. Anderson, ‘nuff said.
7.   Wrath of the Titans- First off, I liked the remake of 'Clash', I was entertained by that despite not living up to be as good as the original , then the sequel happened and I thought it was gonna be better but no, this was just disappointing and boring.
8. Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance- Although some shots were cool, their is no denying that this was a bad and disappointing film.
9.       Piranha 3DD- Failed to capture the humor and sexiness of Piranha 3D, with irritating characters (except for Danielle Panabaker), this was just a bad and disappointing film.

Best Actors:
1.       Daniel Day-Lewis, Tommy Lee Jones, Lee Pace (Lincoln)
2.       Denis Lavant (Holy Motors)
3.       Ezra Miller (The Perks Of Being A Wallflower)
4.       Brad Pitt (Killing Them Soflty)
5.       Daniel Craig, Javier Bardem (Skyfall)
6.       Christian Bale, Michael Caine, Tom Hardy(The Dark Knight Rises) (Lawless)
7.       Dwight Henry (Beasts of the Southern Wild)
8.       Michael Pena, Jake Gyllenhaal (End of Watch)
9.       Michael Shannon (Premium Rush)
10.   Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Bruce Willis, Pierce Gagnon (Looper)
11.   Paul Dano (Ruby Sparks)
12.   Hugo Weaving, Tom Hanks (Cloud Atlas)
13.   Guy Pearce (Lawless)

Best Actress:
1.       Quvenzhane Wallis (Beasts of the Southern Wild)
2.       Sally Fields (Lincoln)
3.       Anne Hathaway (The Dark Knight Rises)
4.       Judi Dench (Skyfall)
5.       Jennifer Lawrence (The Hunger Games)
6.       Emily Blunt (Looper)
7.       Anna Kendrick (Pitch Perfect)
8.       Gina CArano (Haywire)
9.       Noomi Rapace (Prometheus)
10.   Zoe Kazan (Ruby Sparks)

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